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Performance by Correlated Group

These fund groupings are derived from a combination of fund details and price correlation, and therefore will in a few cases be non-intuitive to the fund name. They do, however, generally reflect what funds are moving in a related pattern within the dynamic marketplace. These groupings are recalculated periodically and performance numbers are current with the site. See below for more detail.

Viewing Wednesday's Closing data.

  cGroupFundsTrad.RSf 1 Day5 Days1 Mth3 Mths 6 Mths1 Year
Metals 38 26 94.61 1.03 1.40 1.10 9.28 16.37 34.38
Utilities 15 12 79.82 -0.01 -0.67 -3.48 -4.39 4.69 22.56
Volatility 5 3 74.14 -2.71 3.65 9.75 11.86 1.38 -1.27
Financial 34 28 67.11 0.39 -3.95 -6.87 -8.18 3.62 14.63
Devlpd x/US 309 300 65.61 0.49 -1.66 0.53 0.60 2.61 5.98
Consum Stpl 46 44 62.40 -0.78 -1.73 -1.28 -3.66 0.13 9.17
Emerg Mkts 150 132 58.60 0.32 -0.92 0.39 -0.84 4.67 7.04
Currency 13 9 58.25 -0.01 0.12 1.28 0.59 -0.80 1.57
Fixed Income 383 364 55.80 -0.11 -0.56 -0.10 -1.07 -0.90 3.30
Energy 62 52 53.53 0.42 0.68 -4.39 0.08 5.54 3.59
Crypto/Blkchain 24 23 53.03 0.17 -8.40 -17.44 -26.31 30.37 5.81
n/c 643 585 50.05 0.25 -2.07 -3.64 -4.26 1.56 4.77
Agriculture 6 6 49.53 -0.17 0.98 -3.28 0.37 3.71 0.39
Real Estate 39 34 45.34 -0.28 -3.60 -0.77 -4.66 -5.69 5.66
US Brd Mkt 580 551 45.20 0.20 -3.46 -6.55 -7.29 1.84 6.52
Technology 117 104 40.70 1.21 -5.19 -12.07 -11.46 7.01 5.75
Industrial 73 68 35.67 -0.22 -3.30 -6.69 -8.88 0.26 3.38
Materials 37 33 28.45 -0.17 -1.42 -2.63 -5.13 -0.52 -3.57
Health Care 46 40 26.96 -0.06 -2.97 -5.62 -7.08 -6.37 -6.70
Consum Discr 126 108 18.72 -0.10 -3.66 -10.12 -13.89 -2.01 -0.30

The dynamics of Relative Strength are illustraded below for the past quarter. From this you can visualize which funds are improving on a relative basis and which are deteriorating.

5-day Intervals
Viewing Wednesday's Closing data.

Symbol 03/1203/0502/2602/1902/1102/0401/2801/2101/1301/0312/2612/1812/11
Metals 94.690.385.685.883.673.854.659.655.751.651.057.274.4
Utilities 79.869.576.378.780.967.667.382.675.
Financial 67.171.876.373.177.577.477.377.481.282.381.980.378.8
Devlpd x/US 65.663.756.450.145.741.138.834.928.630.629.229.334.6
Consum Stpl 62.453.856.050.751.545.947.849.250.552.952.552.354.2
Emerg Mkts 58.654.546.942.432.134.629.330.719.424.935.640.948.7
Fixed Income 55.842.838.427.329.527.933.030.940.837.136.737.626.5
Energy 53.538.537.747.547.549.438.655.754.231.430.727.437.3
Agriculture 49.540.553.854.042.741.337.739.942.028.428.730.729.5
Real Estate 45.355.245.734.438.228.628.633.225.837.432.227.641.5
US Brd Mkt
Technology 40.761.772.281.880.383.379.283.576.781.880.279.478.8
Industrial 35.738.744.452.055.660.562.564.661.060.860.458.764.9
Materials 28.420.616.418.415.417.314.516.213.310.911.614.029.9
Health Care 27.029.630.433.327.238.639.431.634.433.128.422.828.8
Consum Discr 18.721.731.448.654.264.765.468.866.270.566.064.976.8

About Correlated Groups

Note that some funds will be assigned a group that looks inappropriate. Often there is an economic reason for the fund to track the assigned group but sometimes, especially with low volume funds, the fund may not have strong correlation with any group.

The statistics above reflect the average of all traditional funds in the group. This excludes the effect of short and leveraged funds of which some groups have more than others. The number of traditional funds is in the Trad column above, where the Funds column is the total number of funds in the group.

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